Gift Economy: What it is and why we do it
You might wonder why Hawkwood, despite the financial challenges of the pandemic, continues to offer "Conversations that Matter" and our Climate Action Labs through Gift Economy. Why offer events for "free" when financial survival is at stake? Here's why:
Gift Economy is based on a cyclical system of meaningful reciprocity.
Imagine a marketplace of old, where goods were traded among neighbours. Like those cherished items, our CTMs and action labs are offered freely, like herbs grown and shared with love, allowing everyone to take and contribute as they see fit. This model of economy is grounded in humanity, with no sponsors or funding apart from our community—you.
The Gift Economy at Hawkwood
The Gift Economy invites participants to give what they feel is right, based on the value they have received. It allows everyone, regardless of their means, to partake in the inspiration and collaboration these programmes offer. There is no expectation from our side; it’s about genuine engagement and kindness.
Thank you for being part of this experiment!
For more information on the Gift Economy concept, we recommend: Gift Economy Video.
Please share your gift economy inspirations in the comments!
Written by Miriam Buck