Intro Iconographers Daily Prayer; Rule of The Seven Sacraments
Vol 9 Prosopon Journal
Every work has its own time. There is a time for working, a time for praying, and also a time for praying while working. An icon-writer is not just an artist but a ‘theologian through images’. The talent of an artist is nourished by work, while the talent of a theologian is opened through prayer. An artist meditates on God in their paintings, while an iconographer practically touches heavenly powers through an icon's symbols, perceiving the Presence of God. Icon-writers contemplate the Countenance (Prosopon) of God turned toward the world, where prayer and praxis together form the essence of their lives.
Nikita Andrejev
Nikita Andrejev is an iconographer-instructor who learned his craft through lifelong immersion, apprenticing under his father Vladislav Andrejev, complemented by postgraduate theological studies in Paris and the United States. As a faculty member of the Prosopon School, Nikita has helped develop unique teaching methods that enable participants to grow both artistically and spiritually through icon-making. The School, since its founding in the 1980s, has rediscovered ancient liquid egg tempera techniques, sparking renewed interest in icons across the USA and the western world.
Look for Nikita Andrejev's Icon Painting courses by visiting Our Programmes.